rjackson's blog

One Way Sky

I like photographing musicians. Concert photos are fun but so are band portraits. The more I do it, the more I like it. The last session I had with a band reminded me of why this is a rewarding experience for a photographer. It’s a chance to meet new people and connect and collaborate. Musicians are creative and what photographers do also involves imagination and artistic work. It’s a great combination.

See You Next Year Graduates

The graduation season is over. The confetti was thrown and the streamers have been taken down. The balloons are deflated by now and floating in the stands of yesterday. Caps, gowns, and stoles are put away as mementos. So what’s left from someone’s graduation? A degree, of course. But what else? Photographs.

Graduations are special for families and photographers. We join in the fun to mark these important milestones. We take the pictures and designers make graphics and decorations, and a person’s passage from student to alumnus unfolds in one of life’s great ceremonies.

Blog Time

Hello, everyone and welcome to the Roberto A. Jackson Photography blog. I’ve slogged, I’ve clogged and even dogged and bogged, but never really blogged. Am I doing it right?
I’m a photographer from Phoenix, Ariz., and we’ve been working on this website for about six months or so. I’m currently in the MFA Photo program as an online student at the Academy of Art University. I graduated with a BFA in Art (Photography) from Arizona State University in 2008.