The graduation season is over. The confetti was thrown and the streamers have been taken down. The balloons are deflated by now and floating in the stands of yesterday. Caps, gowns, and stoles are put away as mementos. So what’s left from someone’s graduation? A degree, of course. But what else? Photographs.
Graduations are special for families and photographers. We join in the fun to mark these important milestones. We take the pictures and designers make graphics and decorations, and a person’s passage from student to alumnus unfolds in one of life’s great ceremonies.
I had the privilege of taking photos of three graduates; three unique people who reached an important stage in their lives. Each shoot was fun and different. I liked the locations, the outfits and the little things each individual brought to their sessions. It’s humbling to think that my images would be a part of their recollections. Doing these projects inspired me as an artist, and I learned with each set of images.
I included some of my favorite images from each shoot. If you’re interested in these photos, drop us a line on our contact page and we can get a headstart on your own session as long as you take care of business in the classroom first.
Mikhail Sundust (ASU '19)
Alyse Marrietta (ASU '19)
Eileen Carrell (ASU '19)